Foxglove Farm

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Fun and Games

Your new puppy can learn to enjoy just about any family activity given a bit of encouragement and lavishly applied praise. Here’s a photo of one of our Cavachons, Maggie Masters from Georgia  who obviously couldn’t be happier riding on the family boat (love the goggles!). Don’t be afraid to take your puppy along to the kids soccer game, camping at the state park, even in a basket riding on the bike trails. The more your puppy does with the family at an early age, the better well adjusted and social dog she’ll become.
I tell my clients not to wrap their new puppies in cotton wool, by that I mean that little puppies benefit from just about any new experience, again experiences that are pleasant and filled with praise, even a few puppy biscuits can make walking through the dog friendly local Lowe’s an enjoyable & fun time for your new canine companion!